Different tests from the test suite are failed with "Failed to start appium server"


I have a problem that occurs from time to time on different tests:

Failed to start Appium server: com.youchat/.activities.SignedOutActivity_ never started. Current: com.youchatchat/.activities.SignedOutActivity

But I have the following lines in my capabilities list:


Here is the full log:
5dbae426-03c8-403d-a0fd-10e22326ee26.txt (17.7 KB)

Can it be solved?

Just a guess but does your app support ‘Device is at API Level 23’?

maybe you add your java code here when you start driver with capabilites? Also pls mention: Appium + Java Client versions

It’s Appium + Python

        deviceName='Android Emulator',

i see python did not update long time… try to enter issue here - https://github.com/appium/python-client
also you can check some tests here - https://github.com/appium/python-client/tree/master/test/functional/android

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@Aleksei thank you. I’ll take a look.

When I changed appActivity to ‘.activities.SignedOutActivity_’, the error is the same:

Failed to start Appium server: com.youchat/.activities.SignedOutActivity_ never started. Current: com.youchat/.activities.SignedOutActivity

It does not make sense whether I specify ‘.activities.SignedOutActivity’ or ‘.activities.SignedOutActivity_’ as appActivity

if you provide APK file try do not mention appPackage and appActivity cause it will be taken from apk directly. Also can try to mention appWaitActivity.

@Aleksei you’re right, when I don’t provide appPackage and appActivity, the same problem still occurs. Does that mean that the app is not properly configured?

no idea. try to get activities manually e.g. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12698814/get-launchable-activity-name-of-package-from-adb to check

Why is it not possible to specify several activities in ‘appActivity’ ? I get the error message when specify multiple activities, e.g. appActivity=’.activities.SignedOutActivity,.activities.SignedOutActivity_’, but there’s an example of multiple app activities in the Appium doc, here is the screen from the document: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jcyidsdv456n8qb/Screenshot%202017-02-15%2019.38.48.png?dl=0
Link to the document: http://appium.io/slate/en/1.4/?ruby#running-your-test-app-with-appium-android

in doc:

If the 'appWaitPackage’ and 'appWaitActivity’ caps are specified, Appium automatically spins until those activities are launched. You may specify multiple wait activities for instance:

but here appActivity and appPackage for some reason.

appActivity: 'com.splash.SplashScreen’
appPackage: 'com.splash’ appActivity: ’.SplashScreen’
appPackage: 'com.splash’ appActivity: ’.SplashScreen,.LandingPage,com.why.GoThere’

that’s weird.
And the app is run with com.youchat/com.youchat.activities.SignedOutActivity_" even when app, appActivity and appPackage are not specified in the desired capabilities. It looks like there is no way to change appActivity that an app is run with