Element not Found exception in aws device form but in local i can able to run my scripts
i had been tested the android application. in that application after login success we have loader to sync the data. after the loader got completed we have the actual screens but we can't able to find the elements in device farm. in local my scripts are run successfully
i given implicit wait upto 180 sec and test but i can't able to find the element in aws device farm and the data sync taken time depends on the data size and the network speed.
i have given my code here
while (!FOUND_ELEMENT) {
try {
if (driver.findElementById(“com.decoders.aerobit:id/settingLayout”).isDisplayed()) {
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
System.out.println(“No such Element Exeception”);
need immediate help on this and advance thanks for any help