Getting Error "Could not pre-launch appium: ENOENT ...."


I am first time using Appium and i am trying to open an internal ioS app using Appium for automation purpose. When tried to launch through appium, i got the below error.

Attached below:

XCODE Version: 7.1.1 (from appstore)
Appium: 1.4.13

Could someone please help me how to fix it …


It appears your device is not being detected. Make certain is connected (if a real device) or started up and running if a simulator.

Thanks willosser,

I was able to overcome the above issue. But ran into other issue now.

I am trying to open the app using simulator. After i click on “Launch”, it fails to open it and says “Error: Instruments crashed on startup”

Attached the complete log details.

I can understand that i am missing some simulator related files on that given path(“warn” message). I checked by going in there,i can see folders only till “data”. Inside “data”, the “Containers” folder is missing. but i am not sure how to fix it :frowning: .

For the question “Have you run this simulator before?” - Yes, using the terminal and below comments i was able to open the simulator and install the app on it.

Commands used on Terminal to open simulator:
xcrun instruments -w “?”
xcrun instruments -w “iPhone 6 (9.0) [CF257348-4C5B-4C9D-804B-D044F5FE6EBA]”
xcrun simctl install booted ~/Desktop/test

This installed the app and i was able to open it on simulator.

It will be great help if you can help me fixing it.

Thanks in advance!!


I myself fixed the issue and able to launch the simulator.

This helped me to fix it. :slight_smile:


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