Getting Error While Launching Appium server Pragmatically but it getting started Manual hitting the command

in terminal type:

which appium

now in finder open part without appium -> in my case Go to Folder /usr/local/bin/

now right click on appium and choose Show Original ->
now it will go to correct path where your appium installed

in my case it is

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Thanks .I don’t quite follow the fix here? Are you saying just visiting this file will fix the issue? :slightly_smiling_face:

Is this an IDE? If so, which one?

Thanks @Aleksei
I understood this as below.

    builder = new AppiumServiceBuilder ();|

    builder.withIPAddress (|
        .usingPort (4723)|
        .withAppiumJS (|
            new File (*<path found as per your post, for appium sym_link to a index.js file>*))|
        .usingDriverExecutable (new File (<path found on terminal for 'which node'>))|
        .withArgument (GeneralServerFlag.BASEPATH, "/")|
        .withArgument (GeneralServerFlag.SESSION_OVERRIDE)|
        .withArgument (GeneralServerFlag.LOG_LEVEL, error);|

using which, I could start my appium 2.x server installed using nvm at
