Getting existing automation to run with new appium-xcuitest-driver


Hi Jules, thanks for your reply.

In the meantime, I have tried the following (without success):

  1. Installed Node.js and NPM
  2. Installed ‘appium-xcuitest-driver’
  3. Changed the implementation in to use the WebDriverAgentDriver (which is the one defined in appium-xcuitest-driver 1.0.4) if the platform is “ios”.
  4. The current implementation of determineDevice() in driver.js does not yet support real devices (only simulator)… so I changed this implementation to return my real device without a check.

Next I ran into an error, that says, that the Info.plist could not be extracted from the ipa. But the same ipa works with the appium-ios-driver.

So I gave up. :disappointed: