Github username needed when running bootstrap script

I have install 1.6.0_beta3 since my company’s app depends on Xcode 8.

When running the bootstrap script as explained I need to enter my github username. Why? It’s a public repository. Nothing happens when I enter my github username.

XXX:WebDriverAgent YYY$ ./Scripts/
Fetching dependencies
Username for ‘’: Username for ‘’: Username for ‘’:

I also tried with:
./Scripts/ -d
./Scripts/ -D

did you started xCode8 and accepted agreement?

Yes. I’ve accepted the agreement and build the company app.

Issue is still visible with Appium 1.6.0.

Seems like more things were broken after updating OSX. Thanks Appium.

  1. $ cd /usr/local
  2. $ git reset --hard
  3. $ git clean -df
  4. $ brew update
  5. $ brew upgrade carthage