Help with setting up for Android


I’m struggling to set up Appium Server for Android. I have the sdk and packages installed but i still see the error Could not pre-launch appium: Error: Could not find adb; do you have the Android SDK installed and the tools + platform-tools folders added to your PATH?

I’ve set the App path in the server to where the apk was saved when i built onto an actual device.

but that isn’t where the sdk/tools/platform-tools live, does it need to be? or do i need to fill out the advanced android sdk path field?

Very very grateful for any advice please.

Figured it out :slight_smile:

now - how to use ui automator or inspector on said device (scratches head)


Run your app on the emulator then navigate to sdk/tools/ on the command prompt then type
uiautomatorviewer.bat and press enter.

The GUI opens then click capture screen option whenever you want to inspect anything on your app.
