Hi All,
I came across a scenario where I am running in parallel on multiple devices using appium and selenium grid, But during this activity, the execution terminated on some of the devices, so I want to know the device with which the appium stopped communicating.
Need your thoughts/input on how to overcome this problem.
Thank you
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its may help you. its running fine on multiple device parallely
Once you’ve initialized your driver for each thread, try retrieving the capabilities from the driver. I think the driver might populate the “udid” or “deviceName” fields with the names or IDs of the devices.
Still his question is not answered. Let me rephrase his question:
I’ve two devices connected on two different appium nodes and I run my tests in parallel.
Consider in some place, I would like to execute some adb commands. Since I’ve two devices connected, I’ll have to use adb -s to trigger the adb command on the particular device.
Is there anyway we can retrieve the device id from the appium node?
@Ravi: Kindly correct me if I understand your question correctly.