i tried all solution nothing worked for me… i have wasted lots of time trying to find solution without approaching developers, but i did’t do any progress …
my suggestion is ask you develop to add click Listers then it should work
@UD the only workaround that I found is to use a third party keyboard (GO Keyboard works for me) and then send key event 66. Works as expected. Maybe if you reverse engineer GO Keyboard implementation you can get more insight on how to make it work without a third party keyboard. Cheers!
The driver.pressKeyCode(66); method doesn’t work for me. The only other solution I have seen is to tap the button based on coordinates. Although it would work it would be awful when trying to support multiple devices.
Has there been any progress on this topic? This feature is fairly critical for the work that I am doing. If anyone has a solution to this it would be greatly appreciated.
When I use : ((AndroidDriver)driver).pressKeyCode(67);
I get the following error message with pressKeyCode instruction striked-on : The method pressKeyCode(int) from the type PressesKey is deprecated
On using ((AndroidDriver) driver).pressKey(new KeyEvent(AndroidKey.ENTER));
pressKey gives error:
The method pressKey(io.appium.java_client.android.nativekey.KeyEvent) in the type PressesKey is not applicable for the arguments (java.awt.event.KeyEvent)
2 quick fixes available:
Change to longPressKey()
Change to pressKeyCode()
(new KeyEvent(AndroidKey.ENTER) gives error: The constructor KeyEvent(AndroidKey) is undefined
KeyEvent is striked.
On changing pressKey to pressKeyCode, I’m getting error: The method pressKeyCode(int) in the type PressesKey is not applicable for the arguments (KeyEvent)
@harshitj, @Sankar_G : Thanks for your inputs.
Presently I have some other business related roadblock, so I’ll update you after some days on what is working.