How to use findElementsByIosUIAutomation in java client 3.1.0?

@jonahss I am trying to use findElementsByIosUIAutomation method but i am getting this error.

The method findElementsByIosUIAutomation(String) is undefined for the type AppiumDriver.

Please help me to solve this.

I think AppiumDriver has been depreciated and replaced with IOSDriver/AndroidDriver.


findElementsByIosUIAutomation has been moved to AndroidDriver since 2.0.0.
You can use


Hi @SergeyTichomirov
How to covert below line to current format.


There is no way to covert the code automatically.

You can use



IOSDriver< MobileElement > driver = new IOSDriver<>(constrictor params)
//and then you are able to

It seems you have used very old client (lower that 2.0.0)

please give one simple example with click operation for the below line.


Please look at this one:


Just checking what is iOS predicate is, I have a question how can we use this with Page Factory annotations?

#Current Code
@AndroidFindBy(id = “Navigate up”)
@iOSFindBy(xpath = “//UIAButton[@name=‘Back’]”)
private MobileElement backButton;

public void clickBackButton() {

So as per predicate my new locator will be
buttons().firstWithPredicate("name BEGINSWITH ‘Back’ ")

but how can i use this in page factory ?
something like this i am expecting:
@iOSFindBy(xpath = buttons().firstWithPredicate("name BEGINSWITH ‘Back’ ")

@iOSFindBy(uiautomation="buttons().firstWithPredicate("name BEGINSWITH ‘Back’ ")

Hi Priyank,

Thanks for suggestion but i am getting compiler error with ‘uiautomation’ keyword used.

import io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.iOSFindBy;
@iOSFindBy(uiautomation=".buttons().firstWithPredicate("name BEGINSWITH ‘Back’ ") ")
private MobileElement backButton;

So I searched a bit and found following code which is not not giving compiler error but also not able to find element.
@iOSFindBy(uiAutomator=".buttons().firstWithPredicate("name BEGINSWITH ‘Back’ ") ")
private MobileElement backButton;

I am bit confused what to use uiautomation or uiAutomator in iOS and why compiler error coming with uiautomation.
Do i missing any import or any code error?


Can u give sample of ur code snippet along with class names?

@Priyank_Shah: I can not use @iOSFindBy, i just see @AndroidFindBy and @SeledroidFindBy. What library i need import more ?

i think check with your java-client.