Inputdata takes time


While setting data in application using appium, it takes time. Due to which overall execution time is impacted.

Below code is being used to set data :

Please suggest a solution for same.

Thanks in advance.

  1. appum version
  2. is it iOS or Android
  3. real device or simulator/emulator
  4. how long text you are entering
  5. what means “time is impacted”? how long it is in seconds?
  1. appum version :
  2. is it iOS or Android : Android
  3. real device or simulator/emulator : real device
  4. how long text you are entering : 6-8 character. Text length does not matter as per our observation
  5. what means “time is impacted”? how long it is in seconds? : approx. 30 seconds for every field and every action (click, clear and sendkeys)

move at least to 1.5.3 - it is same as 1.4.16 but better if you not care about iOS -> 1.6.0 version.

Also add server logs to see what takes so long time.