Installing the application on the iOS phone is very slow

Looks good, I’ll try it. But could you explain to me how corect write this comand (ios-deploy with PATH) ?

“ios-deploy` - tells the driver to use a third-party tool ios-deploy to install the app; obviously the tool must be installed separately first and must be present in PATH before it could be used

I guess in most cases just install will be enough

brew install ios-deploy

if not just run:

which ios-deploy

and we have path to it:


now add this path to PATH variable:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/ios-deploy

Sorry for the stupid question, but how do I upgrade my version of “appium-xcuitest-driver” to beta in Appium Server GUI application (appium-desktop for iOS)?
I have the following message:

The following capabilities were provided, but are not recognized by Appium:
[BaseDriver] appInstallStrategy

But i have last version on mac:
$ npm install -g appium@beta
$ my-mac ~ % appium -v
$ 1.23.0-beta.0

Appium Desktop is considered obsolete. You could use to inspect the UI

Now installing the application on the iOS phone is very fast when i use appInstallStrategy : parallel.
Thank you all.

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