Interactions are not available for this element?


I am trying to automate sending some Text to a WhatsApp Chat.

Now i am able to have Appium find and click into the single chats window but here i can´t find how to send keys to start sending a reply message to this chat conservation:

The Appium Inspector gives me for accessbilityId = New chat the following warning

Interactions are not available for this element

The attributes saying: “clickable = yes”.

Now i don’t understand, what does this mean?

Here is what i am doing

return driver
.elementByAccessibilityId(‘New chat’)
.sendKeys(“Helo World!”)


CALL elementById(“com.whatsapp:id/contact_row_container”)
POST /session/:sessionID/element {“using”:“id”,“value”:“com.whatsapp:id/contact_row_container”}
RESPONSE elementById(“com.whatsapp:id/contact_row_container”) {“ELEMENT”:“1”}
POST /session/:sessionID/element/1/click
CALL elementByAccessibilityId(“New chat”)
POST /session/:sessionID/element {“using”:“accessibility id”,“value”:“New chat”}
RESPONSE elementByAccessibilityId(“New chat”) {“ELEMENT”:“2”}
CALL element.sendKeys(“Hello World!”)
POST /session/:sessionID/element/2/value {“value”:[“Hello World!”]}
1) should find an element

0 passing (21s)
1 failing

  1. whatsapp-test
    should find an element:
    Error: [element.sendKeys(“Hello World!”)] Error response status: 7, NoSuchElement - An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters. Selenium error: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.

However i cannot find any other Element here by using the Inspector than “New chat”

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