For navigating my hybrid app I have the following code:
$selenium_driver.find_element(:css, elem).click
$selenium_driver.find_element(:css, elem).clear
$selenium_driver.find_element(:css, elem).send_keys(argument)
This code taps the text field, clears it out and types in new info. This all works. However, the click never seems to invoke the iOS keyboard and when I click save I get an error that states the info in the field is invalid when its not. It seems that these actions while looking like they are modifying the info in the field are not. If I manually click into the text field and just change one character, it allows me to save. Not sure what I am doing wrong but it seems that the data entry by Appium is not working as expected. Tried on 1.4.13 and 1.5. Any help appreciated.