[iOS]Instruments crashed on startup

Thank you. works for me now.

I got error:
We exceeded the number of retries allowed for instruments to successfully start

It was occurringe whenever I tried to run tests on a simulator that was duplicated - same simulator name was listed more than once (Xcode -> window -> devices).

Removing all duplicates helped, so if you want to remove this issue permanently, you need to find out what’s causing the simulator to duplicate.

I got the same issue that with “[Instruments] Error launching instruments: Instruments crashed on startup”,and the error code is 255, I find the develop was lost in my iphone,when I reopen it ,it could work.


I’m also facing the same issue of error while launching instruments can you please tell how was ur issue resolved

You need developer signed app, as the instruments will not be able to communicate until and unless the app is dev signed.
Refer this link: http://appium.io/slate/en/master/?python#appium-on-real-ios-devices

I met the same problem. It’s not appium problem, but instruments, I tested another real iPhone, it works fine.

I write what I did here, hope these will be helpful:

  1. I installed xcode 7.3.1, and appium inspector worked fine on real iPhone(iPhone 6s)
  2. I met another problem, then I installed xcode 6.4, hoped to resolve the problem. Appium inspector didn’t work normally, instruments crashed :frowning:
  3. so I uninstalled xcode 6.4 and 7.3.1, and reinstalled xcode 6.4 first and then xcode 7.3.1, appium inspector didn’t work normally, too.
  4. Uninstalled xcode 6.4 and 7.3.1, only reinstalled xcode 7.3.1, and tried again. the same result.
  5. Use another real iPhone(iPhone 5), appium inspector worked fine. Instruments worked fine.

I think maybe something wrong on iPhone 6s. What will be installed on iPhone? The instruments version was in a mess? How to clean the data on iPhone? Anyone knows it?

With no logs you are asking purely for a guess. My guess is that Settings->Developer->Enable UI Automation is set on the one that works, but not the one that does not work.

I’m also facing the issue

[debug] [Instruments] [INST STDERR] 2017-05-29 18:38:27.201 instruments[8825:149925] WebKit Threading Violation - initial use of WebKit from a secondary thread.

[debug] [Instruments] Instruments exited with code 253

[Instruments] Error launching instruments: Instruments crashed on startup

Same issue on signed app as well as on enterprise app on iPhone 6s version 9.3.1+mac 10.11+appium 1.5.3+xcode 7.3.