Is it possible to automate iOS native app with appium with out source code?


Please let me Is it possible to automate iOS native app with appium with out app source code?

If yes… Please provide me the steps.


If the application is in debug mode, then yes just get the package name and pass it to “app” caps. if the application is not in debug mode then it’s not possible, because instrumentation is not possible for other versions of build.


@pr4bh4sh, i doubt about even for debug app source code is required. This believe because you must have valid provisioning profile to be installed to ur Xcode. any third party debug app can not be automated.

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@Priyank_Shah Thanks for clarifying it.
So I traced back, It turns out that I do have the valid provisioning profile that’s why it worked for me, even though I don’t have the source code.