We are using appium for automation of our Ipad app. It use to work fine on iOS8, now we are trying to run same script on iOS 9 and facing two issues :-
Instrument is getting crashed on startup. To resolve this issue we need to reset simulator every time before running the test cases. Please let me know if there is any other work around because on reseting simulator certificates gets removed from device. I need to install them manually before running test case
2.In app automation we are using proccessArguments desired capability to pass parameters to ipad simulator.It is not working any more. Not able to set command line argument for iOS 9 simulator. Please guide
2015-09-29 17:23:41:860 - info: [debug] The following desired capabilities were provided, but not recognized by appium. They will be passed on to any other services running on this server. : processArguments
2015-09-29 17:23:41:861 - info: [debug] Using local app from desired caps: