Run Appium with preset from command line

I have Appium Desktop and I set presets there, one for iOS and one for Android.
Is it possible to start Appium from command line using one of these presets?

I know it’s possible to start Appium from command line by using for example “appium --address -p 4722”, but I can’t figure out if it’s possible to run it with one of my presets.

@Eric_de_Waard you need install appium using “npm install -g appium”

Thank you for your response @Aleksei , but I already installed Appium using that command.
My question is if I can run Appium from command line with one of the presets I set.

If you installed it correctly then you should start appium with any arguments you like in command line. With example you gave all should work. What error you see?

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The example I gave works just fine.
I just want to start it with a preset, where I also configured log location for instance.

@Aleksei thank you! Your reply made me think and I found the solution.

If I want for instance to add logs I can use use the --log.

For example: appium --address --log /Users/Blabla/Desktop/Logs/AndroidFromTerminal_testRun.txt

Yes. You can tune whatever needed arguments and run with them.