Setup Appium on Mac+Android Studio+JavaClient

Hello everyone,
I’m setting up Appium in combination with Android Studio.
I did:

  1. get the jar-files into libs-folder
  2. set the dependenciese like:
    androidTestCompile ‘io.appium:java-client:2.1.0’
    androidTestCompile ‘junit:junit:4.12’
  3. edit other stuff in gradle like:
    repositories {
    flatDir { dirs ‘libs’}
    sourceSets {
  4. write some test
  5. go to command line and get with gradle task or gradlew task all possible commands
  6. try gradle connectedAndroidTest or gradle assambleTest
  7. Error: trouble processing “javax/xml/XMLConstants.class”:
  8. solve it with:
    exec java $javaOpts -jar “$jarpath” “$@”
    to exec java $javaOpts -jar “$jarpath” --core-library “$@”
  9. try again step 6.
  10. next error: .gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/xerces/xercesImpl/2.11.0/9bb329db1cfc4e22462c9d6b43a8432f5850e92c/xercesImpl-2.11.0.jar
    Error Code:
    warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class
    (org.apache.html.dom.SecuritySupport$1) that doesn’t come with an
    associated EnclosingMethod attribute.

So now I’m done! I have no idee how to fix this!
I know that there is an issue with this special jar file and it is deprecated:
But I don’t know how to solve it!
Selenium has the new requestet jar, so I thing is a gradle issue.

I’m using:
Mac Yosemite
Appium 1.3.6
java version “1.7.0_71”
Java™ SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_71-b14)
Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.71-b01, mixed mode)
Android Studio 1.1.0
Gradle 2.3

And I’m using also Robotium, but not in the same test!

I have also: (gem list | grep appium)
appium_console (1.0.3)
appium_lib (6.0.0)

So any suggestions or tips like which compinations are working stabile?