I can't get startActivity() working in latest appium version

startActivity() is missing in appium java client 9.0.0, so unable to switch between application. Could you please assist me on this?


You are wrong. You just need cast AndroidDriver.

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It’s not working, please check the in below appium version.

io.appium java-client 9.0.0

I got the alternative way to switch the activity :

driver.executeScript(“mobile: startActivity”, ImmutableMap.of(“intent”, “com.google.android.youtube/com.google.android.apps.youtube.app.WatchWhileActivity”));


It is worked for me with this code

Also I tried before your code and it is also worked with Map
String intent = appstartPackage + “/” + appstartActivity;
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put(“intent”, intent);
driver.executeScript(“mobile: startActivity”, params);