I would like to launch Appium programitacally in Java, where the script is in the main function of the jar file.
I am kinda new to this, anyone with any suggestions? I’m using IntelliJ on a Windows machine.
I would like to launch Appium programitacally in Java, where the script is in the main function of the jar file.
I am kinda new to this, anyone with any suggestions? I’m using IntelliJ on a Windows machine.
You may start Appium Server side where the code is been executed.
This is the Java code:
private static AppiumDriverLocalService appiumServer;
public static void startAppiumServer(int port) {
if (appiumServer == null) {
appiumServer = AppiumDriverLocalService.buildService(
new AppiumServiceBuilder()
This code is only for Windows.
You may check this link for options.