Swipe does not work in appium 1.4.0 for iOS

I am trying to do the action swipe. but the inspector does not perform swipe on app. please help me.

@vivek, please post following

  1. appium version
  2. Which lang. binding you are using
  3. xcode version
  4. iphone version and real deice or simulator


  1. The appium’s version is 1.4.0
  2. I am using java language to develop the automation cases.
  3. My Xcode version is 6.3.2
  4. and my iPhone simulator version is iOS 8.3 and iPhone 6

thanks in advance


Have you solve the problem? I am facing the same issue and looking for answers.

Could you please share? Thanks!

No! not yet. Even I am also waiting for that solution