Toggle Cisco VPN

I was trying to automate testing for one of our Apps which needs

1.  Toggle VPN connection (Cisco anyconnect client )
2.  Locate  Dynamic  UI elements  that cannot be located by resource id . 

I am trying these in Java , Please can you help me , on how to launch
native apps from Appium for android . I am unable to find related
examples or material that can guide .

Not sure about #2, I have the same problem with #1, as many of our servers are behind the firewall.

At our company, if the computer is hard wired into the network, you don’t need vpn access. So a way around this is to set up your host computer for Internet sharing and have your device use that computer as the access point.


I need to access the Cisco VPN app from appium and disconnect it . After the test again launch it and connect for further testing . Is this possible ?

I don’t think so offhand unless you use TouchAction commands (swiping/tapping at coordinates).
I assume that your App under test is not the Cisco VPN app.

Yes , I need to just disconnect the VPN connection for testing my Apps’ behavior and again after connecting to VPN .

same problem that im facing with Global protect VPN ., as when I initiate the appium driver ., it cutting down my vpn Conn. in my android mobile., as ur people got any solutions…