Unable to get locators for real devices for Hybrid Android Application

I am unable to get locators for overlay list in android hybrid application.
While locating elements from appium inspector it gives locator of button(by tapping on which that overlay list appears) with all list text as content-description for that button.

UIAutomator won’t be able to provide details for webview contents. use remote debugging instead. ref : appium.io

Use selendroid for inspecting the hybrid view

Hello Umar,
In case of remote debugging I’ve used chrome inspector to get element descriptors[XPath,Id,Class] but facing issue while performing some advanced actions[by context switching to ‘WEBVIEW’] like tap,swipe etc.

I’am able to inspect element in ‘Remote Debugging Android Devices’ mode but facing issues while performing actions.

Can you explain what issues or errors you are having. Before taking any action on elements on webview you need to switch the driver context prior to any action and once done with that element you need to switch the context back to native.