Unable to launch my android emulator

info: [debug] Telnet command got response: ae[Ke[Dave[Ke[De[Davde[Ke[De[De[Davd e[Ke[De[De[De[Davd ne[Ke[De[De[De[De[Davd nae[Ke[De[De[De[De[De[Davd name[Ke[De[De[De[De[De[De[Davd namee[K
info: [debug] Emulator mobilegalaxynexus not running
info: [debug] Trying to find mobilegalaxynexus emulator
info: [debug] Getting connected emulators
info: [debug] Getting connected devices…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “D:\Appium setup and softwares\appium sdk\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” devices
info: [debug] 1 device(s) connected
info: [debug] 1 emulator(s) connected
info: [debug] Sending telnet command to device: avd name
info: [debug] Getting running emulator port
info: [debug] Socket connection to device created
info: [debug] Socket connection to device ready
info: [debug] Telnet command got response: ae[Ke[Dave[Ke[De[Davde[Ke[De[De[Davd e[Ke[De[De[De[Davd ne[Ke[De[De[De[De[Davd nae[Ke[De[De[De[De[De[Davd name[Ke[De[De[De[De[De[De[Davd namee[K
info: [debug] Emulator mobilegalaxynexus not running
info: [debug] Trying to find mobilegalaxynexus emulator
info: [debug] Getting connected emulators
info: [debug] Getting connected devices…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “D:\Appium setup and softwares\appium sdk\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” devices
info: [debug] 1 device(s) connected
info: [debug] 1 emulator(s) connected
info: [debug] Sending telnet command to device: avd name
info: [debug] Getting running emulator port
info: [debug] Socket connection to device created
info: [debug] Socket connection to device ready
info: [debug] Telnet command got response: ae[Ke[Dave[Ke[De[Davde[Ke[De[De[Davd e[Ke[De[De[De[Davd ne[Ke[De[De[De[De[Davd nae[Ke[De[De[De[De[De[Davd name[Ke[De[De[De[De[De[De[Davd namee[K
info: [debug] Emulator mobilegalaxynexus not running
info: [debug] Trying to find mobilegalaxynexus emulator
info: [debug] Getting connected emulators
info: [debug] Getting connected devices…
info: [debug] executing cmd: “D:\Appium setup and softwares\appium sdk\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe” devices
info: [debug] 1 device(s) connected
info: [debug] 1 emulator(s) connected
info: [debug] Sending telnet command to device: avd name
info: [debug] Getting running emulator port
info: [debug] Socket connection to device created
info: [debug] Socket connection to device ready
info: [debug] Telnet command got response: ae[Ke[Dave[Ke[De[Davde[Ke[De[De[Davd e[Ke[De[De[De[Davd ne[Ke[De[De[De[De[Davd nae[Ke[De[De[De[De[De[Davd name[Ke[De[De[De[De[De[De[Davd namee[K
info: [debug] Emulator mobilegalaxynexus not running
info: [debug] Sent shutdown command, waiting for UiAutomator to stop…
warn: UiAutomator did not shut down fast enough, calling it gone
info: [debug] Cleaning up android objects
info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session
info: [debug] Error: Could not find mobilegalaxynexus emulator.
at [object Object].ADB.getRunningAVDWithRetry (D:\Appium setup and softwares\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\lib\adb.js:715:15)
at [object Object]. (D:\Appium setup and softwares\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\lib\adb.js:794:10)
at [object Object].ADB.checkSdkBinaryPresent (D:\Appium setup and softwares\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\lib\adb.js:116:5)
at [object Object].ADB.launchAVD (D:\Appium setup and softwares\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\lib\adb.js:760:8)
at [object Object]. (D:\Appium setup and softwares\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\lib\adb.js:800:23)
at [object Object]. (D:\Appium setup and softwares\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\lib\adb.js:720:11)
at D:\Appium setup and softwares\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\lib\adb.js:707:9
at done (D:\Appium setup and softwares\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:132:19)
at D:\Appium setup and softwares\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:32:16
at [object Object]. (D:\Appium setup and softwares\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\lib\adb.js:703:11)
at Socket. (D:\Appium setup and softwares\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\lib\adb.js:1538:9)
at Socket.emit (events.js:107:17)
at TCP.close (net.js:484:11)
info: [debug] Responding to client with error: {“status”:33,“value”:{“message”:“A new session could not be created. (Original error: Could not find mobilegalaxynexus emulator.)”,“origValue”:“Could not find mobilegalaxynexus emulator.”},“sessionId”:null}
info: ← POST /wd/hub/session 500 250999.650 ms - 206
error: Failed to start an Appium session, err was: Error: Could not find mobilegalaxynexus emulator.

you need to start emulator in code before starting driver.