Currently i using Appium 1.4.16 to test Android App
Test app i’m using C#
Anything is Ok until i click on social button to open webview for login (facebook, twitter, linkin…)
When call funtion click(). it just display loading popup and shutdown
If i manually click on that button, it work fine
My code
public void simppleTest()
DesiredCapabilities capbilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capbilities.SetCapability("deviceName", "TestDivice1");
capbilities.SetCapability("appPackage", "com.test.testApp");
AppiumDriver<AndroidElement> driverAndroid = new AndroidDriver<AndroidElement>(new Uri(""), capbilities);
var simpleBtn = driverAndroid.FindElementById("simpleBtn");
simpleBtn.Click(); //--> OK working
var facebook_id = driverAndroid.FindElementById("facebook_id");
facebook_id.Click(); //--> it not popup web view here
var contextName = driver.Contexts[1].ToString();
driverAndroid.Context = contextName;