Xcodebuild exited with code '70' and signal 'null'- iOS 13.5.1

out of ideas… after manual build with xCode it should be “app” file created.

I am facing this problem after the update of iOS 13. But with each new release, its same. Not getting luck to execute on iOS 13+

Developer enable on phone?

Yes, in the same iPad it was working on iOS 12

i have same problem now. iOS 13.5.X updated to 13.6 = no developer menu. now need update xCode… doing it now…

and absence of developer menu cause same 70 error with test. try to check by building integration app scheme for your phone and make sure it will be installed on phone.

ok. Let me know if it works

yes. latest xCode 11.6 solved problem with iOS13.6

You were getting same issue? WebDriverAgentRunner?

right after update iPhone to iOS13.6 i got " xcodebuild exited with code ‘70’ and signal ‘null’". after update xCode to 11.6 issue gone. no any issue now.

Thanks, Will try upgrading and check.

Hi @Aleksei

We tried complete setup installation in another machine for iOS 13.6. We are getting the same error xcodebuild exited with code ‘70’ and signal ‘null’ "

Hello @Smita13

We have the same issue with Xcode 13 on iOS 15

I hope you fixed it, Can you share with us how did you fix it on your side please?
