Xpath issue in marshmallow

we are with native. we can add any id to any element. never did with web app.

I tried with the second approach and it is working.Thanks

wow, happy when hearing that.

About: Build method: public boolean isMarshmallow to return the boolean to check whether the current device is v6.0.

When you have time, give a try. Because you can change another device for testing. Control by using UDID is not flexible.

Iā€™m not using UUID approach; I have used the approach of checking the capability of the device whether it is marshmallow or not using the below code:
This is working fine for all the versions

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I am starting the appium server using the following code snippet and it works fine:

public void appstart() {
AppiumDriverLocalService service = AppiumDriverLocalService.buildService(new AppiumServiceBuilder()
.usingDriverExecutable(new File("/Applications/Appium.app/Contents/Resources/node/bin/node"))
.withAppiumJS(new File("/Applications/Appium.app/Contents/Resources/node_modules/appium/bin/appium.js"))
.withLogFile(new File("/Users/Desktop/logs.txt")));
try {
//setting the capabilities
} catch (Exception e) {

Now I need to go on with parallel execution. If I use grid I need to create different nodeconfig.json files which includes the appium instance details. If I need to run my test in three device is it necessary to create three different nodeconfig.json files? Is it possible to use the same code snippet to start the appium for parallel execution, if so how? Please help me on this

How to start with the parallel execution in appium?

I have never used grid although Iā€™m still running my test in multiple Android devices in Parallel (I couldnā€™t for iOS as itā€™s a limitation).

With no-grid option, I can share you.

ok ā€¦ its ok with no grid option also

Without Grid how are you able to work on multiple devices

@Durga_M, ok, I will share you steps to achieve that. (tomorrow, itā€™s 19:05 now, Iā€™m going home)

@pavan_appium, I created the Mobile Framework for my current company. Iā€™m not using grid for running test in parallel.

ok ā€¦ no probs