Appium app inspector is not inspecting the id under a menu(list view)

Our application home screen looks like this

When I tried to inspect the items under menu I am not getting the unique id’s of the items. All the items are having unique id(Confirmed with developer -

String XML fetched by the appium app inspector


I tried to inspect the element of similar application like flipkar,playstore,amazon,paytm where they have menu. But i could see same result for all the apps.


It might be an issue with Appium inspector since you do not see the id’s. Try to inspect with uiAutomatorviewer.
As a work around, for the menu I defined the elements by text. E.g. below, work perfect for me.
The menu list in my case has the same resource ID, only text is different

@AndroidFindBy(uiAutomator = "new UiSelector().text(\"Inbox\")")
public MobileElement inboxButton;