Appium does not return webview for url open in InAppBrowser of cordova app

We have app which is based on the OpenPos framework and JumpMind is the owner. POS app opens a window within the context of the Point of Sale application which displays web content. Appium command driver.getContextHandles() returns only one webview and not webview for window shows web content.

We are blocked here and to work on web elements of second window appium need to switch to webview of that window. Please help

Have the same problem. On some of iOS devices process initiated using InAppBrowser can’t redirect between pages. But in other hand - different devices don’t have that problem. Bug occurs only when you use Appium, manually it’s not reproduced. I’ve tried manually go from about:black to other page changing location - and it’s not working, but in Browser or other devices it’s work fine.

@skaur1328 have you found solution for your problem? could you please share how you deal with that bug