Appium Espresso Driver with Jetpack Compose

Hello Community,

I’m trying to use the appium-espresso-driver rewrite our native espresso-tests with Appium.
But I’m struggling with locating elements, though.

I have the following action in Kotlin which I would like to implement with Appium:


Does anyone have an idea how this action would look like with appium java-client?
I was already able to start the app and an instrumented espresso-server with with the following capability:

capabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.AUTOMATION_NAME, AutomationName.ESPRESSO);

When I try to locate the element, however, I receive an androidx.test.espresso.NoMatchingViewException

I’m very thankful for any support.

Currently sravanmedarapu and rajdeepv are working on the topic. It’s still in progress, but it is already possible to try something out of it in appium@beta.

for more examples

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@mykola-mokhnach thank you for the links. Indeed, very valuable sources. I’ll give a try and follow the development with great interest.

And very special word of thanks goes to @Sravanmedarapu and @rajdeepv for your efforts.

Thanks for the links, really looking forward for this implementation @Sravanmedarapu @Rajdeepv :rocket:

I have recently updated Espresso driver README and added more details about Compose mode usage: