Appium desktop and test execution is extremely slow on list pages. get the page source command takes more than 1 minute. I made a video for this problem , as you can see on the video I can get the page source on some screens(List screens) very slowly
Nothing you can do.
As far as with iOS we see elements outside screen which may include long list (e.g. long country list of 250 items) plus may also include screens in background. This is all makes screen page source huge and slow for automation.
As workaround:
ask ios dev minimize elements in list ( when user reaches end of list get next e.g. 25 elements dynamically)
Thanks for replay
Yes Although I am at the top of the list, I can see the elements at the end of the list on this screen with inspector.
is this error specific to appium ?
Whenever I touch a button, the App automatic reload the same GUI, which is very slow for every touch. Is there anyway to make it just load one time or ignore the loading?