Appium interaction with Samsung Browser (Internet)

Hi there!

I know this is not a new topic but i’m not able to find a solution.
I need to interact with some links on a specific URL using Samsung Browser aka ‘Internet’ App on Samsung Devices.
I am able to open the Samsung browser and insert the Url i want. The issue is when i try to interact with elements on page, it seems they are not present.

Im using browserstack devices with:
“app”: [“bs://SomeApphash”],
“automationName”: [“UIAutomator2”],
“browserName”: [“chrome”],
“browserstack.appium_version”: [“1.19.1”],
“browserstack.debug”: [“true”],
“browserstack.local”: [“true”],
“browserstack.localIdentifier”: [“AppRun”],
“browserstack.networkLogs”: [“true”],
“”: [“true”],
“build”: [“SEA_Universal”],
“deviceName”: [“Samsung Galaxy S10”],
“goog:chromeOptions”: ["{args=[start-maximized], extensions=[]}"],
“goog:loggingPrefs”: [“org.openqa.selenium.logging.LoggingPreferences@8888d8”],
“language”: [“fr-FR”],
“locale”: [“fr”],
“name”: [“EXEC_ID 113968888”],
“os_version”: [“9.0”],
“platformName”: [“ANDROID”],
“project”: [“ANDROID_APP”],
“realMobile”: [“true”],
“sendKeyStrategy”: [“oneByOne”],
“systemPort”: [“4443”]

I leave my Appium log attached.

Can you point me the right way?

ThanksALog.txt|attachment (170.6 KB)