Appium taking more than 40 seconds to locate the element

Appium taking more than 40 seconds to locate the element

I am trying to automate an Android native app and I am seeing an issue while locating the elements as it takes more than 40 seconds.
Scenario 1:
This issue is happening if there is any dynamic elements present in the dialog. We have a dynamic clock field in one page and if I try to locate any elements in the dialog with ID then its taking more than 40 seconds.
Scenario 2:
I have a dialog where two sections using same ID’s for its elements but we have a unique ID’s for each sections. If I select values for both sections and try to locate another element (Confirm button) then it takes more than 40 seconds to locate the element and perform click actions.

I tried all possible locator strategies(ID, Class Name, Xpath, etc …) and all gives the same results.

In above scenarios , I try to inspect the page using “uiautomatorviewer” and its throwing an error message “Error obtaining UI hierarchy”

Any help or advice would be highly appreciated!!!

I think the dynamic clock is causing your issue, try disabling animations using desired capabilities or adb commands and then running your test again.

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