Appium, xcode and Mac os version required for ios 10.3.x or above

What version of appium, xcode and Mac os is required for ios 10.3.x or above.
Currently I am having
1)xcode 8.2, Mac os 10.12.3 and appium 1.6.3 on one machine.
2)xcode 8.2.1, Mac os 10.11.x(EL captian) and appium 1.5.3 on another machine.

And does Appium 1.6.x work with previous ios and android versions?
@wreed @Wafe_is_7 @appium_ios
Kindly help.

I use:

OS X: 10.12.6
Xcode: 8.3.3
Appium: 1.6.5

And I’m not having any problems testing 10.3.x. I only need to test iOS 10 and 9, which work well with this setup–I don’t know about earlier iOS versions.

@wreed are you testing on Real Device ?

Real and Simulator. Both working fine.

@wreed does Appium 1.6.3 work with IOS 10.3.x? Any idea?

Googling, the release notes don’t mention iOS version. However, for 1.6.4, it specifies support for iOS 10.3:

I think you should at least update to 1.6.4 for iOS 10.3 support, but if it were me I would move to 1.6.5 or 1.7.0 (since 1.6.6 seems like it’s never coming out of beta). As a personal aside, I have it on my roadmap to update to 1.7.x in Q4.

@wreed thanks a lot. In the installation steps for appium 1.6.x it is given that setting up Web driver agent is required. I have a developer account but the membership for it has expired. So do I need to renew the membership? Or is it possible to configure Web driver agent just with existing account (without renewing the membership)

I believe it needs an actual valid certificate to sign WebDriver App with, so I think you need to renew.

@wreed Thanks a lot. Having all the doubts as I am new to this. As you suggested appium 1.6.4 or above work with ios 10.3.
To tell exactly, I am having ios 10.3.3. So will appium 1.6.5 do?

It’s not me who is telling you, but rather I am providing links to the information. The links say 1.6.4 minimum, my advice is that if you are updating, it’s probably better to go to the latest of the 1.6.x releases, which is currently 1.6.5. If you are feeling more adventurous, there is also 1.7.0.