Appium XCUITest installation cant be found

Hi Forum,

After some frustration I seek support for a problem I encountered regarding installing XCUITest from appium.

installation versions
node : v20.0.0
npm: 9.6.4
appium: 2.0.0-beta.65
xcuitest: 4.24.0

In brief I used the command below from “” guide:
npm install -g appium@next
appium driver install xcuitest

after installation I checked that driver was installed by
appium driver list --installed

I got the following output
:heavy_check_mark: Listing installed drivers

So the question is now, where can I find the installation folder of XCUITest???, moreover the webDriverAgent project that comes with the installation of XCUITest???.

From documentation found in “
I found that the webDriverAgent project can be found from the command
echo "$(dirname “$(find “$HOME/.appium” -name WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj)”)"

but I get the output
find: /Users/me/.appium: No such file or directory

Any help is appreciated.


I just discovered that when starting appium the path of XCUITest is outputted as
[Appium] Welcome to Appium v2.0.0-beta.65 (REV)
[Appium] Attempting to load driver xcuitest…
[debug] [Appium] Requiring driver at /Users/me/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver

So from the path above I found the full path to the webDriverAgent project as:

It took me a long time to figure this out!. Can you provide updated information about where to find XCUITest Installation, perhaps more relevant the webDriverAgent project???


here →

more info

Try to run appium driver run xcuitest open-wda as described in

your suggestion
is what comes out of the command:
echo "$(dirname “$(find “$HOME/.appium” -name WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj)”)"
but it is not always installed in this path, e.g as mentioned in my case it was installed in
(in short there was no hidden appium folder)

the guide you link to suggests
echo "$(dirname “$(find “$HOME/.appium” -name WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj)”)"
which was I have been using, it gave me an error that the .appium does not exists. I then found it myself in the the below path
(in short there was no hidden appium folder)