Automate ios Web /native application on iPad

Is it possible to automate web /native application on iPad with IOS version 10.2 using Appium 1.5.3 on MAC machine with OS 10.11.6? I am having xcode 7.3.1

Kindly help.

You need to use Xcode 8.3.2 for iOS 10.2 and Appium 1.6.0

@krantos Thanks.
I am having apppium 1.6.3 on one machine. Have they released the UI version for appium 1.6.3 or above for MAC?
Also I am having MAC OS 10.11.6 . So do I need to upgrade MAC OS for getting xcode 8.3.2? Or xcode 8.3.2 will work on MAC OS 10.11.6?
