Can't receive value string from R.strings.screen_name

Hi all,
I’m a new with Appium, so I would love to get a help with this issue :slight_smile: .

I have a QA application (with screens, fragments, buttons, features, …etc)
and I have a folder for Automation testing that I’m using Appium with it.

I want to get a value from the “QA Application” R.strings.screen_name (from the res)

My problem, that Appium started before getting the value of that R.strings.screen_name via context,
when I run my test, I see the context value is null!

So How to get a value from the R.strings. and use it with the test on Appium ( BTW, I’m using this value with this method)

public void scrollToText(String text){
    String uiSelector = "new UiSelector().textMatches(\"" + text + "\")";
    String scrollableUiSelector = "new UiSelector().scrollable(true).instance(0)";
    this.powerWebDriver.androidAction().scrollElementToView(scrollableUiSelector, uiSelector);

so I want that my “text” to be "R.strings.value … "