Command failed: error: more than one device and emulator , is it BUG?

Hi ,

We are using appium-java client ( version 3.2.0 ) for running android script in appium mobile grid (1.4.13 ) . we are running multiple instance of android node ( like : Running multiple instances of Appium server for Android and IOS device ) and its working fine .

The issue when i am sending the following capabilities and running in grid with running multiple instance of android node then getting the error : error: Command failed: error: more than one device and emulator

capabilities.setCapability(“locale”, “en_US”);
capabilities.setCapability(“language”, "en”);

Why appium is not allowing to send the above localization caps as default ? is it bug ?

Thanks ,
Muthu Selvan SR

Hello All ,

Any confirmation on Command failed: error: more than one device and emulator , is it BUG? please ?

This issue similar to : but i am using simulator not the devices

Appreciate your help !

Thanks ,
Muthu Selvan SR