Facing issue with tap( Actions class) approach on emulator


I have a scenario in which i need to tap on an element on mobile screen, and i referred to articles provided online and this forum as well. This is how i am trying to tap on the element by finding the rect, i am trying this in android emulator

Android version:11

Rectangle eleRect = getElement(locator).getRect();
	int tapX = (int) (eleRect.x + (eleRect.width / 2));
	int tapY = (int) (eleRect.y + (eleRect.height / 2));
	log.info("location: " + tapX + " " + tapY);
	PointerInput finger = new PointerInput(PointerInput.Kind.TOUCH, "finger");
	Sequence tapPoint = new Sequence(finger, 1);

// Move finger into start position
tapPoint.addAction(finger.createPointerMove(Duration.ofMillis(100), PointerInput.Origin.viewport(), tapX, tapY));
tapPoint.addAction((new Pause(finger, Duration.ofMillis(100))));

but it fails at line driver,perform(Arrays.asList(tapPoint))

after trying to do perform action tap , looks like it is stuck forever and did not perform tap and after a while fails with timeout error

The appium logs show the below:

POST /wd/hub/session/553eea24-61cd-4b3d-ac3c-5b8b56212f82/actions
[HTTP] {“actions”:[{“id”:“finger”,“type”:“pointer”,“parameters”:{“pointerType”:“touch”},“actions”:[{“duration”:0,“type”:“pause”},{“duration”:100,“x”:206,“y”:172,“type”:“pointerMove”,“origin”:“viewport”},{“button”:0,“type”:“pointerDown”},{“duration”:100,“type”:“pause”},{“button”:0,“type”:“pointerUp”}]}]}
[W3C (553eea24)] Driver proxy active, passing request on via HTTP proxy
[debug] [WD Proxy] Matched ‘/wd/hub/session/553eea24-61cd-4b3d-ac3c-5b8b56212f82/actions’ to command name ‘performActions’
[debug] [WD Proxy] Proxying [POST /wd/hub/session/553eea24-61cd-4b3d-ac3c-5b8b56212f82/actions] to [POST] with body: {“actions”:[{“id”:“finger”,“type”:“pointer”,“parameters”:{“pointerType”:“touch”},“actions”:[{“duration”:0,“type”:“pause”},{“duration”:100,“x”:206,“y”:172,“type”:“pointerMove”,“origin”:“viewport”},{“button”:0,“type”:“pointerDown”},{“duration”:100,“type”:“pause”},{“button”:0,“type”:“pointerUp”}]}]}
[HTTP] --> OPTIONS /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts
[HTTP] {}
[debug] [HTTP] No route found for /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts
[HTTP] <-- OPTIONS /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts 404 3 ms - 262
[HTTP] --> OPTIONS /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts
[HTTP] {}
[debug] [HTTP] No route found for /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts
[HTTP] <-- OPTIONS /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts 404 4 ms - 262
[HTTP] --> OPTIONS /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts
[HTTP] {}
[debug] [HTTP] No route found for /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts
[HTTP] <-- OPTIONS /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts 404 4 ms - 262
[HTTP] --> OPTIONS /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts
[HTTP] {}
[debug] [HTTP] No route found for /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts
[HTTP] <-- OPTIONS /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts 404 9100 ms - 262
[HTTP] --> OPTIONS /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts
[HTTP] {}
[debug] [HTTP] No route found for /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts
[HTTP] <-- OPTIONS /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts 404 2 ms - 262
[HTTP] --> OPTIONS /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts
[HTTP] {}
[debug] [HTTP] No route found for /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts
[HTTP] <-- OPTIONS /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts 404 4 ms - 262
[HTTP] --> OPTIONS /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts
[HTTP] {}
[debug] [HTTP] No route found for /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts
[HTTP] <-- OPTIONS /wd/hub/session/40f77c0a-f4ec-4c59-b300-5e04574f8115/timeouts 404 3 ms - 262

For the routing error that occurs even when i start appium

i tried to start server and i still get this error, i tried to remove wd/hub but then it is on client side, then i see different issue Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server or browser

i get this “No route” error when i start appium via command line and i have tried all the suggestions for example passing --base-path /wd/hub still no luck, would be grateful if anyone can help here.
Thanks in advance