Gestures to unlock

Gestures to unlock with press().moveTo().moveTo() not working on platformVersion 10.3
Has anyone ever been in this situation? How to solve?Thank you!
code :
Typeothers = self.Actions.driver.find_elements_by_class_name(‘XCUIElementTypeWindow’)[0].
list_pwd= Typeothers[-9:-1]
appium error log:
[XCUITest] Executing command ‘performTouch’
[XCUITest] Received the following touch action: press(options={“x”:100,“y”:500})-wait(options={“ms”:500})-moveTo(options={“x”:600,“y”:0})-release(options={})
[JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /wda/touch/perform] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session/DB268F0F-7A58-41F9-81A9-9A040DE7F5B3/wda/touch/perform] with body: {“actions”:[{“action”:“press”,“options”:{“x”:100,“y”:500}},{“action”:“wait”,“options”:{“ms”:500}},{“action”:“moveTo”,“options”:{“x”:600,“y”:0}},{“action”:“release”,“options”:{}}]}
[JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: {“value”:“Unhandled endpoint: /session/DB268F0F-7A58-41F9-81A9-9A040DE7F5B3/wda/touch/perform – http://localhost:8100/ with parameters {\n wildcards = (\n “session/DB268F0F-7A58-41F9-81A9-9A040DE7F5B3/wda/touch/perform”\n );\n}”,“sessionId”:“DB268F0F-7A58-41F9-81A9-9A040DE7F5B3”,“status”:1}
[MJSONWP] Matched JSONWP error code 1 to UnknownError
[HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/9430942a-f7b8-4fa3-baeb-76e61702b230/touch/perform 500 28 ms - 1911

What version of appium are you using, and what version of the client are you using?

Thanks for your fast reply.
appium version is 1.4.1 .
appium server version is 1.7.2
The screenshot as follows:


whether the appium doesn’t support the complex gestures in iOS platform or the version is lower?
appium version is 1.4.1 .
appium server version is 1.7.2
Thanks a lot!