Getting Child Element from Specific Parent element

Hello! Tell me please, is it possible to retrieve child from android.view element? Problem is that I have parent element with resource-id but it does not have text value. And it’s child has text value (but does not have resource-id). Second screenshot is webview. So how can I retrieve div next to this selector ’android=new UiSelector().resourceId("homehub-listingCard-active-homes-score-tag")' ?

Hey Hanna, did you find any solution? I am facing the same issue right now :frowning:

On screenshot is pure web view. You can switch into it and use pure Web search e.g. CSS or xPATH to locate childs.

With pure Android you can use childSelector with uiAutomator or simple chain search.

// uiAutomator example
@AndroidFindBy(uiAutomator = "new UiSelector().descriptionContains(\"HOUSE_INPUT\").childSelector(new UiSelector().resourceIdMatches(\".*edit_text\"))")