How to click on textSpan of richText

Hey all,

I’m trying to automate my flutter android app using appium-flutter-driver & webdriverIO

My use case is i need to click on ‘sign up’ button from a rich text widget in flutter.

Can anybody help on how to click on TextSpan of RichText?

I’m using below versions:

  1. Appium: 2.0.0-beta.44
  2. Latest appium flutter driver
  3. Mac OS
  4. Node: v16.17.0
  5. npm: 8.15.0

Here is the application where i want to click on Sign up:
Screenshot 2022-10-03 at 6 22 33 PM

Here is my application looks like:

Here is the flutter inspector:

I see there are couple of solutions( with respective to flutter_driver test and not related to appium flutter test using webdriverIO.!


Can you provide a tiny bit more context, what platform are you targeting, and can you just dump the DOM out by calling your
driver.get-page-source() , or inspector output?

Hey @Conrad_Braam, i updated the question. Could you please help?

Oh, sorry, not using flutter driver. I only know how the uiautomator2 and xcuitest webdriver wrappers get used. We may need to actually find some proper docs on the flutter driver and find some examples. They are a totally different thing to drive.