iOS - The element is found but does not perform click/touch action on iOS device (safari) where as Android works fine

iOS 10.3.2
Appium 1.6.4
Tested both on Device and Simulator
Using Java and testNG

Clicking on any mobile web video play/pause does not work properly on iOS device (SAFARI BROWSER).
The element gets clicked but it does not perform the necessary action
In Android Device (chrome), it works perfectly fine. Do not know if there is workaround or if any one had face this issue only on iOS

(I am clicking on a video of our web player)

try for sure get location where are you clicking at.

System.out.println(((MobileElement) el).getCenter().getX() + ", " + ((MobileElement) el).getCenter().getY())

@Aleksei Thanks for the reply. i tried all the touch actions with gestures in ios safari(both real device and simulator),

I have a button to play video in one of the web app i am working on…
When I click on video play button manually it is playing as expected, but when I click from the code its not
what i mean is, I could witness the click gesture being fired on the UI(video being changed from play state at the attribute level in pagesource) , but video not playing. tried with longpress, tap, doubleTap, javascript click, flick gestures but no luck…

tried with Java executor also but no luck
i assume if the version of xcuitest driver is creating problem?

never used to touch on Safari. maybe you need switch context before tap for WEBVIEW.

Getting similar issue in IPad Safari browser with appium v2.0.1 ,Xcode - 15 beta 4 ,IpadOS- 17.2.
An image with link is not getting clicked, tried Touch actions ,Actions and Click().