Is it possible to pass the bootstrap port as server arguments using the appium service builder

Hello Sir,

Could anyone please confirm whether we can pass the bootstrap port as server argument in appium service builder.

If so , help me for the below case.
Here what should i pass for argument

AppiumDriverLocalService.buildService(new AppiumServiceBuilder()
.usingDriverExecutable(new File(Constants.NodeJs))
.withAppiumJS(new File(Constants.AppiumJs))
.usingAnyFreePort().withArgument(argument, value)

I am getting bootstrap socket crash issue randomly upon running tests in parallel for more than 3 devices. Upon looking the log i could see all devices using the same port. I am not sure if I pass the bootstrap port as server argument whether I can solve this issue.

Your support will be really helpful. I am stuck for two days with this issue.

Thank You

I am able to pass the argument with the help of ServerArgument interface. So this question answer i got . So you can close this question