Is Latest Appium v1.6.5 compatible with Xcode 9?

Hi Team,

Is Latest Appium v1.6.5 compatible with Xcode 9?


Got the answer


I was not able to find this answer from that document. Is this working? If so, is there a link to a way to get it to work? Had to downgrade xcode to get 1.6.5 working again.

From the link I got to know Appium support for xCode 9 is from version 1.7

Did you mean inspect element feature with Xcode 11?

I am not sure what exactly you are looking for ?

I raised this ticket to check what is the compatible Appium version for xCODE9 and the answer is Appium 1.7 and above.

ok, since Appium Desktop 1.2.1 is using Appiumv1.6.5, I misunderstood it.

Yes exactly, when is the desktop version going to update, or have you gotten it to run with the xcode update and still able to use the inspector tool?

Check this video to inspect elements on Xcode 9 + iOS 11 devices / simulators

Awesome, thanks working great now!