Issue with scrollTo and scrollToExact methods of Android Driver. Methods do not scroll to required element text, but scroll to end of page (Part II)

Hi all,

I still have a problem with method scrollTo() or/and scrollToExact(). I copied the title to already existing topic which can be find here: Issue with scrollTo and scrollToExact methods of Android Driver. Methods do not scroll to required element text, but scroll to end of page
The reason why I’m copied. I don’t see an solution for this particular issue which sujata_kalluri was asking for. I think the topic went to a different direction. Anyway … If would be nice if someone can help with this problem.
The methods scrollTo() and scrollToExact() do not scroll to the required element text, but beyond it, that is to end of list. My problem is when im reaching the end of the list (lets say with 20 values in the list), the list is reloading an additional list (another 20 values) which are cached values. And this is going all the time if the scroll function reach the end of the list. So at the end the list can have values up to 1000 and i will never find my element/text where im looking for.

Technical details:

  • I try to automate an Android client
  • java-client-3.3.0.jar
  • Appium 1.4.13
  • Method: driver.scrollToExact(“17 €”).click();

Thx in advanced