Not able to get text base on ImageView

Please help me : how can I print out text (Ex: abc123) base on resource-id: priority_icon

Thank All.

Try to use Appium Desktop, and open the inspector, you can check different locators there. This is a locators problem, if you can´t, ask to your application dev team for add more identifiers.

@Liddel give a try:

       // let's find parent Framelayout
        List<WebElement> parentList = driver.findElements(MobileBy.xpath("//android.widget.ImageView[contains(resource-id,'priority_icon')]/../../.."));

        for (WebElement parent : parentList) {
            // if textView with text "abc123" has some id better find by id inside parent
            // or when no id -> by Text classname. it is first in parent. Second is "in 5days"

Thanks all so much. I will try to do.