Pull file from ios device

Is the driver.pull_file(/path) method available for android and ios?

I tried to use the same for ios and I get the below error

File “/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/webdriver.py”, line 173, in execute
File “/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/appium/webdriver/errorhandler.py”, line 29, in check_response
raise wde
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: u"ERROR running Appium command: Cannot call method ‘getDirs’ of undefined"

What is the format for ios?

driver.pull_file(Documents/myfile) ?
driver.pull_file(/My Device/my app/Documents/myfile) ?

Sorry about dragging you here.
On a different topic you mentioned “Hmmm. You could try using the pullFile command to download and open the AndroidManifest file for the app”

Can this pullFile be used only for Android?

PullFile should work on android and iOS simulators, not real devices.

If pullFile works on Simulators/Emulators, is there any support from Appium to download/pull file from real devices?

As far as i know emulators contain only some image files. How can i get any app specific file from this image file?

I know using DDMS from eclipse plugin, we can see package and respective app specific data, but how can we do with avd image files w.r.t to atleast Windows OS.

PullFile should work on android real devices, as long as the file you want to pull has its permissions set to allow a user using adb to pull the file.

PullFile on iOS devices currently not implemented, and I’m not sure how possible it is given apple’s security/sandboxing practices.

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I know this is not right place to post this question here, but i am eagerly waiting your inputs so asking here in this thread.

Can you please help me/provide me the right direction for the below query.
Run appium tests parallely

i waited couple of days to get the answer but didnt get it so asking here. Never mind