Real iOS device on linux

Hello all,
Please does anybody have solution how to run Appium real iOS device tests on Linux? I know the XCUItest driver has to be build in XCODE…but maybe there is some solution how to workaround it on Linux? Does anybody has any success with it?

Thank you

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You can’t run Appium real iOS device on the Linux. If you want to run Appium on iOS real devices you need mac os or you can run the Appium on the cloud for example:

There is commercial software which allows you to test real, physical iOS devices on Windows or Linux using Appium (or a modified version of Appium).

An example (in which I’m involved) is quamotion/appium-docker-ios container, which you can use to test iOS devices with Appium on Linux. See for more information.

You’ll still need an Apple code signing certificate and provisioning profile, though.

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